Alexander Aitken’s Death – Cause and Date

Alexander Aitken

Born (Birthday) April 1, 1895

Death Date November 3, 1967

Age of Death 72 years

Cause of Death N/A

Place of Death Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Profession Mathematician

The mathematician Alexander Aitken died at the age of 72. Here is all you want to know, and more!

Biography - A Short Wiki

New Zealander mathematician whose work in algebra and statistics made him a 1936 Fellow of the Royal Society. He was also known for writing several war memoirs, which got him elected to the Royal Society of Literature.

He studied first at the University of Otago and later in the Ph.D. program at the University of Edinburgh.

His wonderful memory unfortunately resulted in periods of depression, as he was unable to forget the terrible things he had seen on the battlefields of World War I.