Alexander Scriabin Death Cause and Date

Alexander Scriabin’s Death – Cause and Date

Born (Birthday) January 6, 1872

Death Date April 27, 1915

Age of Death 43 years

Cause of Death Sepsis

Profession Composer

The composer Alexander Scriabin died at the age of 43. Here is all you want to know, and more!

Biography - A Short Wiki

Russian Symbolist composer and pianist whose work was both influential and controversial. He pioneered an atonal and dissonant musical system without any influence from Arnold Schoenberg. He said he was inspired by mysticism, synesthesia, and theosophy.

His family was of aristocratic blood, and his father and uncles boasted careers in the military.



In love’s godlike breathing, there’s the innermost aspect of the universe.

Alexander Scriabin Death Cause and Date

My 10th Sonata is a sonata of insects. Insects are born from the sun… they are the sun’s kisses.

Alexander Scriabin Death Cause and Date