Chris Anderson’s Death – Cause and Date

Born (Birthday) February 26, 1926

Death Date February 4, 2008

Age of Death 81 years

Cause of Death N/A

Profession Pianist

The pianist Chris Anderson died at the age of 81. Here is all you want to know, and more!

Biography - A Short Wiki

Jazz artist who was revered among his peers, but struggled to find work because of his blindness and brittle bone disease.

He taught himself how to play the family piano.



“The first stage in a technology’s advance is that it’ll fall below a critical price. After it falls below a critical price, it will tend, if it’s successful, to rise above a critical mass, a penetration.” (Chris Anderson)

Chris Anderson Death Cause and Date

“And what’s interesting about the hybrids taking off is you’ve now introduced electric motors to the automobile industry. It’s the first radical change in automobile technology in 100 years.” (Chris Anderson)

Chris Anderson Death Cause and Date

“And this is one way to do technology forecasting; get a sense of where technology is, and then anticipate the next upturn.” (Chris Anderson)

Chris Anderson Death Cause and Date

“Free is really, you know, the gift of Silicon Valley to the world. It’s an economic force, it’s a technical force. It’s a deflationary force, if not handled right. It is abundance, as opposed to scarcity.” (Chris Anderson)

Chris Anderson Death Cause and Date