David Berman Death Cause and Date

David Berman’s Death – Cause and Date

Born (Birthday) January 4, 1967

Death Date August 7, 2019

Age of Death 52 years

Cause of Death Suicide

Profession Rock Singer

The rock singer David Berman died at the age of 52. Here is all you want to know, and more!

Biography - A Short Wiki

Singer-songwriter and poet who founded the alternative rock band the Silver Jews. He later formed the indie rock band Purple Mountains.

He settled in Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife Cassie. His death was ruled a suicide. 



Everything I write goes through a lot of drafts. A hundred rewrites is not unusual for me to go through – the last fifty maybe just going back and forth on a single line or word selection.

David Berman Death Cause and Date

I heard Springsteen was an unhappy person. I don’t know, I haven’t read his biography. But a lot of people in my field should be a lot more unhappy than they are.

David Berman Death Cause and Date

I always loved bands with mystique.

David Berman Death Cause and Date

Natalie Maines has a voice for the centuries.

David Berman Death Cause and Date

Some nights I’m funny with the between-song commentary, some nights I’m not. I have no control over this. I pace the stage a lot and struggle with the mic stand in a ridiculous way.

David Berman Death Cause and Date