Ella Baker’s Death – Cause and Date

Born (Birthday) December 13, 1903

Death Date December 13, 1986

Age of Death 83 years

Cause of Death N/A

Profession Civil Rights Leader

The civil rights leader Ella Baker died at the age of 83. Here is all you want to know, and more!

Biography - A Short Wiki

American civil and human rights activist best known for helping found the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Her career spanned over five decades and she is considered by many to be one of the most important women of the 20th century.

She was the daughter of Georgiana and Blake Baker and had three siblings. She married T.J. Roberts, though they divorced in 1958. 



“One of the things that has to be faced is the process of waiting to change the system, how much we have got to do to find out who we are, where we have come from and where we are going.” (Ella Baker)

Ella Baker Death Cause and Date

“Strong people don’t need strong leaders.” (Ella Baker)

Ella Baker Death Cause and Date