Isabel Princess Imperial of Brazil’s Death – Cause and Date

Isabel Princess Imperial of Brazil Death Cause and Date

Born (Birthday) Jul 29, 1846

Death Date November 14, 1921

Age of Death 75 years

Cause of Death Pneumonia

Profession Princess

The princess Isabel Princess died at the age of 75. Here is all you want to know, and more!

Biography - A Short Wiki

While serving, in her father’s absence, as Regent of Brazil, this heir to the throne signed into law the Lei Aurea, an act that freed every slave in the country of Brazil. A member of the House of Braganza, she was the daughter of Emperor Dom Pedro II and Empress Dona Teresa Cristina. 

She and her younger sister, Leopoldina, grew up in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Isabel later married the French-born Prince Gaston, Count of Eu, with whom she had three sons (Princes Pedro de Alcantara, Luis, and Antonio) and one daughter (Princess Luiza Vitoria).