Jose Patino Death Cause and Date

Jose Patino’s Death – Cause and Date

Born (Birthday) April 11, 1666

Death Date November 3, 1736

Age of Death 70 years

Cause of Death N/A

Profession Politician

The politician Jose Patino died at the age of 70. Here is all you want to know, and more!

Biography - A Short Wiki

Spanish politician who served as the First Secretary of State of Spain from 1734 until 1736.

He originally planned to be a priest but eventually became the intendant of Extremadura during the War of Succession.

He started a war with Portugal in order to retake Banda Oriental in South America from the Portuguese in 1735.

His father, Don Lucas Patino de Ibarra, Señor de Castelar, was a member of the privy council and his mother was Beatrice de Rosales y Facini.

Like him, Rodrigo Rato is a Spanish politician.