Max Cleland Death Cause and Date

Max Cleland’s Death – Cause and Date

Born (Birthday) August 24, 1942

Death Date November 9, 2021

Age of Death 79 years

Cause of Death Heart Failure

Profession Politician

The politician Max Cleland died at the age of 79. Here is all you want to know, and more!

Biography - A Short Wiki

Democratic politician and war hero who was a US Senator from Georgia from 1997 to 2003. He also served as the Secretary of State of Georgia from 1983 to 1997.

He grew up in Atlanta, Georgia.

How did Max Cleland die?

Matz Jr., was appointed as his successor almost a year after he left the ABMC. Cleland died as a result of heart failure at his home in Atlanta on November 9, 2021, at age 79.



We are running out of time. We need a strategy to win in Iraq or an exit strategy to leave.

Max Cleland Death Cause and DateMax Cleland

Being a soldier, fighting for this country, is neither Republican nor Democrat.

Max Cleland Death Cause and DateMax Cleland

John Kerry’s service did not end in Vietnam. It began there.

Max Cleland Death Cause and DateMax Cleland