Oswald Veblen Death Cause and Date

Oswald Veblen’s Death – Cause and Date

Born (Birthday) June 24, 1880

Death Date August 10, 1960

Age of Death 80 years

Cause of Death N/A

Profession Mathematician

The mathematician Oswald Veblen died at the age of 80. Here is all you want to know, and more!

Biography - A Short Wiki

Influential mathematician who proved the Jordan curve theorem in 1905. He also contributed to the foundations of modern geometry and atomic physics.

After graduating from Harvard he began his research at Princeton into the foundations of mathematics, publishing several works that would serve as the definitive text for decades.

He led early research into general relativity and formed the theoretical foundations that would lead to the first digital computing machines.

His uncle was Thorstein Veblen, a noted economist and sociologist and his parents were Andrew Anderson Veblen and Kirsti Hougen.

Harold Hotelling, another prominent mathematician, was one of his doctoral students.