Pete Conrad Death Cause and Date

Pete Conrad’s Death – Cause and Date

Born (Birthday) June 2, 1930

Death Date July 8, 1999

Age of Death 69 years

Cause of Death Motorcycle Accident

Profession Astronaut

The astronaut Pete Conrad died at the age of 69. Here is all you want to know, and more!

Biography - A Short Wiki

Apollo 12 astronaut who became the third person to walk on the moon. Along with astronaut Gordon Cooper, he set an eight-day space endurance record.

His father left the family when he was very young, and his mother was left to tend to his education alone.

July 9, 1999. Charles P. “Pete” Conrad, the third human to walk on the moon, died late Thursday night in a hospital in Ojai, CA, of injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. He was 69.



Roger. Clear the tower. I got a pitch and a roll program, and this baby’s really going.

Pete Conrad Death Cause and Date

The flight was extremely normal… for the first 36 seconds then after that got very interesting.

Pete Conrad Death Cause and Date

I fully expect that NASA will send me back to the moon as they treated Sen. Glenn, and if they don’t do otherwise, why, then I’ll have to do it myself.

Pete Conrad Death Cause and Date

I think we need to do a little more all-weather testing.

Pete Conrad Death Cause and Date

I think the Space Shuttle is worth one billion dollars a launch. I think that it is worth two billion dollars for what it does. I think the Shuttle is worth it for the work it does.

Pete Conrad Death Cause and Date