Sari Ibrahim Khoury Death Cause and Date

Sari Ibrahim Khoury’s Death – Cause and Date

Born (Birthday) March 13, 1941

Death Date June 18, 1997

Age of Death 56 years

Cause of Death N/A

Profession Painter

The painter Sari Ibrahim Khoury died at the age of 56. Here is all you want to know, and more!

Biography - A Short Wiki

Remembered for his charcoal, acrylic, and oil paintings and drawings, this Palestinian-American Abstract Expressionist artist was the subject of a 2008 Arab American National Museum retrospective.

Born in Jerusalem, he was forced to leave his home city when the state of Israel was created. After emigrating from Palestine to the United States, he married Suheila Ghannam.

Khoury was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer in 1996. Khoury died in June 1997.