Sylvia Likens’ Death – Cause and Date

Born (Birthday) January 3, 1949

Death Date October 26, 1965

Age of Death 16 years

Cause of Death Murder

Place of Death Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

The Sylvia Likens died at the age of 16. Here is all you want to know, and more!

Biography - A Short Wiki

She and her siblings Diana, Danny, Jenny, and Benny were born in Lebanon, Indiana, to Betty Grimes Likens and Lester Cecil Likens. The children’s parents were unhappily married, traveling carnival workers; as a result, Sylvia Likens and her siblings were often cared for by neighbors and friends.

What did Sylvia Likens die from?

Tragically, this sixteen-year-old girl became a victim of homicide at the hands of her temporary guardian, Gertrude Baniszewski, and two of Baniszewski’s children (along with two neighborhood boys who assisted in the killing). The contributing factors in her death were shock, malnutrition from intentional starvation, and a traumatic brain injury.