Edd Gould’s Death – Cause and Date

Born (Birthday) October 28, 1988

Death Date March 25, 2012

Age of Death 23 years

Cause of Death Leukemia

Profession Cartoonist

The cartoonist Edd Gould died at the age of 23 . Below is all you want to know, and more!

Biography - A Short Wiki

Best remembered for his popular Eddsworld web-based flash cartoons, Gould also contributed to the TomSka YouTube cartoon series as both an animator and a performer and to the Slomozovo, Action Bunnies, Skeff, and InkyKeyboard/Matt Lobster series as a voice actor.

He was born and raised in London, England. Tragically, he died of acute lymphoblastic leukemia at the age of only 23.