Roy Rogers’ Death – Cause and Date

Born (Birthday) November 5, 1911

Death Date December 6, 1998

Age of Death 87 years

Cause of Death Heart Failure

Profession Movie Actor

The movie actor Roy Rogers died at the age of 87. Here is all you want to know, and more!

Biography - A Short Wiki

American actor who appeared in more than one hundred movies. He also starred as a fictionalized version of himself on The Roy Rogers Show.

He was married four times: first to Lucile Ascolese, then to Lucile Ascolese, then to Grace Arline Wilkins, and finally to Dale Evans on December 31, 1947. He had eight children.



“What’s a butterfly garden without butterflies?” (Roy Rogers)

Roy Rogers Death Cause and Date

“Until we meet again, may the good Lord take a liking to you.” (Roy Rogers)

Roy Rogers Death Cause and Date

“The world changed. Hollywood changed. I think we’ve lost something, and we don’t know how to get it back.” (Roy Rogers)

Roy Rogers Death Cause and Date

“I’m an introvert at heart… And show business – even though I’ve loved it so much – has always been hard for me.” (Roy Rogers)

Roy Rogers Death Cause and Date

“Today they’re making pictures that I wouldn’t want Trigger to see.” (Roy Rogers)

Roy Rogers Death Cause and Date